My philosophy is based on corporate social investment. This philosophy is imbued by the necessity of community service by the graduates. Corporate social investment; calls for Graduates from different institution to volunteer their service to their nearest communities, thereby alleviating the underdevelopment and benevolence in our society.
It is important that Graduates begin
to volunteer their capabilities, abilities, etc. to their communities.
And they should do this without any expectations in return. This sentiment
is also shared by Prof. Christof Heyns from the University of Pretoria,
who concede that, Sasvo is a vehicle to expedite the social change for
the economic sustainability of this country.
It becomes clear that companies,
individuals, organizations, communities, etc., should positively engage
themselves in this practice, so that both united and speaking in one voice
can volunteer our service to another with an intention of keeping an eye
to the fortune of our fellow human beings. Since the Government alone cannot
meet the challenges of reconstruction and development. That is why we need
people with a social vision and social investment heart.
In conclusion, it becomes clear
that people who are responsible for (CSI) should be equipped with skills
so as to enable them to run the projects effectively. Richards Bay Minerals
(RBM) has set an example, trying to alleviate the problem of squandering
donors monies by those in charge for social development projects.
is important that we develop social responsible behavior to Project Managers,
so as to enable them to use funds
donated for the intended purpose. Unlike in the case of Boasak who
squandered monies for Foundation for Peace. Let all the people be like
the President of the country, President Nelson Mandela, who donated 10%
of his Presidential salary to Children's Fund.